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Does an expert do the talking or asking?

A year ago I visited a meetup in Hamburg. It was about a (world famous) technical agency. They told the audience how they are working in terms of…

Test is dead. Long live lean testing.

After years of quality management and web development, I always had the feeling that there is something wrong with the way we are testing. It was not like we had…

How to test tracking pixels

I worked for two of the biggest publishing companies in Europe. And both companies are making their money with advertising. Yes, we all hate those blinking banners on…

One day with Recolution

Recolution ist das Hamburger Trendlabel im Bereich Organic & Fair Trade. Mit ihrem Shop bringen die beiden Gründer Jan und Robert faire, nachhaltige Mode direkt in die Kleiderschränke…

One day with Hacker School

  Die Hacker School wurde 2014 gegründet. Seither ermöglicht sie Jugendlichen im Altern von 11-18 Jahren Zugang zu Themen wie Programmieren und Entwicklung. Wichtig in einer immer digitaler…

One day with amilio

amilio is a shopping community based on affiliate programs. Every user is able create lists of products he or she likes. All those lists and products can be…

One day with “the web hates me”

The web hates me started as phphatesme in 2008 and is one of the best known German php blogs. Phphatesme started in 2008 as a hobby project, but…